
Thursday, May 6, 2021

New Spinoff Coming

Well because so many of you are asking about what was written on the scroll that Pope John Paul destroyed in the book Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes, my author has decided to write a story based on the scroll. Whether you know it or not, that scroll detailed a very important account that could have proved so many things. That is why Pope John Paul destroyed it. He could not have it interfere with the agenda of the church.

Personally I can't wait to read this book as I've always wondered what was written on that scroll myself. Yeah I know, my author never tells me anything. (sigh) She never so much as gives me a small hint. It's always the same reply, "Serenity, you will wait to wait just like everyone else." Well, I can tell you that I am anxiously awaiting this one. What can I say? My curiosity is peaked.

Well, you look for this book to be released in the fall. That's not too far away. I guess I can wait that long. I just hope that I'm still alive then. I know that they're still hunting me and my friends, but so far we have remained lucky. ~Serenity

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Still Alive....Still Free

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