
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Books similar to The Apocalypse Series


Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins


An airborne Boeing 747 is headed to London when, without any warning, passengers mysteriously disappear from their seats. Terror and chaos slowly spread not only through the plane but also worldwide as unusual events continue to unfold. For those who have been left behind, the apocalypse has just begun.

Apocalypse  series by Mel Odom


In a single cataclysmic moment, First Sergeant Samuel Adams "Goose" Gander finds himself center stage in the opening act of the Apocalypse. Goose and the men of the 75th Army Rangers fight to survive a massive attack on the Turkish-Syrian border. Battling his own failing faith, Goose prays for the lives of his men and the innocents who are caught in the rain of bullets and missiles.

Back home, Goose’s wife, Megan, fears for her husband and rebellious teenage son while she struggles to save another family. But her life is upended by an incredible, confusing, remarkable occurrence. She’s not alone.

End of State series by Neesa Hart


 From the back rooms of the U.S. government to the world stage of the United Nations, End of State explores the world of politics and government as it is changed forever by the Rapture.

This new series, combining the explosiveness of the Left Behind universe with the immediacy of West Wing-style political thrills, takes the Rapture and ratchets up the tension to a fever pitch. Written by political insider Neesa Hart, who has won prestigious awards both for her writing and for her youth ministry in churches across America.

Scars by Patience Prence



Cataclysmic natural disasters
Global economic chaos
Political turbulence
Mass deception

The Apocalypse has just begun....

Sixteen-year-old Rebekah Silver is your average teenager living in Southern California. She worries only about learning her cheerleading routines and passing her math test. But as world dictators rise to power and devastating disasters claim millions of lives she is inspired to search for answers. Becky soon discovers her world is quickly coming to an end, just as it was prophesied. Now she must decide whether to risk her life to follow the laws of God or surrender her soul to the law of man in this action-packed thriller.
Will Becky survive?

Revelation comes to life in this action packed thriller. Discover the possible answers to many questions such as, "Who is the Antichrist? The False Prophet? The name that equates to 666 in both Greek and Hebrew?" and "What are the Mark of the Beast and the image of the beast?"
Other prophecies included:

How the antichrist will be revealed
The lie
Who will be deceived by the antichrist
The ten-horned kingdoms of the Beast
The 144,000
The Two Witnesses
The Peace Treaty

Scars is shocking and eye-opening but essential reading in a world of confusing theories. There is no other end-times fiction book like this.

The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn


 Is it possible...

That there exists an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America s future?

That this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy?

That ancient harbingers of judgment are now manifesting in America?

That God is sending America a prophetic message of what is yet to come?

Before its destruction as a nation, ancient Israel received nine harbingers, prophetic omens of warning. The same nine harbingers are now manifesting in America with immediate ramifications for end-time prophecy.

Hidden in an ancient biblical prophecy from Isaiah, the mysteries revealed in The Harbinger are so precise that they foretold recent American events down to the exact days. The revelations are so specific that even the most hardened skeptics will find it hard to dismiss or put down. It sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller with one exception... IT S REAL.

The prophetic mysteries are revealed through an intriguing and engaging narrative the reader will find hard to put down. The Harbinger opens with the appearance of a man burdened with a message he has received from a mysterious figure called The Prophet. The Prophet has given him nine seals, each containing a message about America s future. As he tells of his encounters with The Prophet, from a skyscraper in New York City, to a rural mountaintop, to Capitol Hill, to Ground Zero, the mystery behind each seal is revealed. As the story unfolds, each revelation becomes a piece in a greater puzzle the ramifications of which will even alter the course of world history.

All of these books are available for purchase.  Amazon Barnes & Noble

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