
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Why Do I Write Christian Novels?

Why did I choose Christian novels? Well, mainly because there are hardly any Christian novels out there anymore and the books that are filling the shelves and homes of adults, young adults, teens and children are not feeding their minds or souls with positive things. Now mind you there are some very good non-Christian novels out there that instill a positive message.There has to be something in a good book that not only feeds the mind with positive values and teaches the reader how to improve their life and give them some hope, then what's the point? A good book should have a lesson in it that someone can learn something valuable from it and not just an escape away from their problems in the real world~ because when the story is over the real world is still there and so are their problems. They should be able to come out of that story with something positive that they can use to help them in the real world.


  1. This is a great post! I found you through the WLC Blog Follows program, and I am so glad I did. I am looking forward to more of your posts :)

  2. That is so great that you are writing for that niche! I am sure that your young readers will appreciated your uplifting view!
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    1. I checked out your blog but you don't have any way of following it.

  4. Nice post, Pam! :) I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect! Come say hello at


Still Alive....Still Free

Good day everyone. I know that I have not been on here lately to keep you updated. Things have been rather quiet and almost boring here la...