I was born on the Caspian Sea, but I have US citizenship through my father. My parents died in an accident when I was ten and I went to live with my Uncle Naddy and Aunt Sophia. We traveled for their archaeological work and I also lived at different boarding schools until I came to the States for college.
With your globe-hopping lifestyle, what made you accept a teaching position at such a tiny school as Bradley Central?
I heard about this Bible as Literature program, and wanted a chance to teach kids the truth of the Scriptures. We needed a relatively small group of students to go with us on the trip to search for the Golden Testaments.
We’ve heard you may not have made the best impression on your co-teacher the first week of school.
Everything went wrong. I’m sure Keith thought I was a complete doofus. But once we got going on the class, I could tell we were going to be a great team. Besides, I could see he was the science expert we had been looking for to help in our work.
You and your aunt and uncle used the phrase “hiding in plain sight” several times. What do you mean by that?
I always use the example of Esther in the Scriptures. She didn’t choose to become queen of Persia. And her cousin Mordecai told her not to reveal her Jewish heritage. But she was put into a position of great power and influence just at the right time. I want to be used like Esther was, to help people who are persecuted for trying to protect and spread the Word.
You disappeared from town in the middle of a school week. Care to tell us what happened?
My aunt called me and said my uncle had been seriously hurt. For normal people, it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal to go see them. But they were on a Greek island thousands of miles away.

I certainly didn’t expect to get a police escort to the airport. And when Dr. Ewing showed up, I though I was going to have to defend myself. She can really be intimidating.
When you heard what had really happened to your uncle, what made you think you could do anything about it?
I was prepared to fight to protect my family and our work. I’ve been in training my whole life for this quest. But it did shock me to learn people thought we weren’t trustworthy.
Did it upset you to think Keith Bradley might not want to get involved as your science expert, or even go with you on the survey trip?
I understood his family needed him. God used his family to bless me, too. His father gave me my job at the school, I was able to help with his sister. His grandmother seemed to welcome me and my aunt and uncle, and understand our work.
Why can’t you reveal the archaeological finds you have made and what they mean to your work?
People have fought and died to prevent the destruction of the Word of God through the ages. First of all, we don’t understand how what we found will help with protecting and spreading the Word yet. Second, these are not our secrets to share. We have to protect those who have been doing this work before we started.
Well, then, maybe you can explain what this Great Thirst business is all about?
The Bible says there’s going to come a time when people will be searching everywhere for the Word of God, and not be able to find it.
So you are preparing for the end times? The Great Tribulation or something like that?
We’re preparing for persecution and people having to hide and protect the word to share it.
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Talia sounds like a very interesting character. I have a friend name Talia :) Looking forward to reading.The Great Thirst :) Blessings!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview!