
Monday, April 15, 2019

****New Release by Pam Funke****

Israel by Pam Funke
ISBN:  1717134823
Purchase: Kindle/Paperback 
     Hello, my name is Israel Jacobs. I am 14 years old. I just returned from a most unusual, but exciting trip to Syria with my family. My mom is a world famous archeologist, who is bent on proving the Bible to the world. Although my mom's job is pretty cool, I'm not all that into the religion thing. At least, I didn't used to be until now. My sister and I accompanied her on her latest archeological dig in Syria where I found a magical stone that transported me on adventure that you will never believe. Can you believe that I am actually witnessing what she is trying to prove? I still cannot believe it myself and I am actually witnessing it with my own eyes. Come join me on my adventure through time and on my own special quest. Come with me and we'll discover God together.

 I am the proud grand-daughter of a pastor and have had the pleasure of learning about God at an early age. I am a Christian author who enjoys writing various genres in the Christian genre. My love of reading and writing led me to begin writing for the enjoyment of others. I am thankful for the many creative writing classes I had back in elementary school.

New YA Fantasy Release by Pam Funke

I'm so excited! My latest book Israel drops on Amazon today! This YA Fantasy novel follows the journey of Israel White, a 14 year old boy, who though brought up in the church does not yet believe in God. He's not only rebelling against his mother, Ruth White, an archaeologist for the local Biblical museum, but also against God! His family journeys to Damascus in Syria where Israel finds a stone belonging to one of the followers of THE WAY back in the days of Christ. It's quite smooth with the except of the word ISRAEL written in Hebrew on one side. Not realizing what it is, he places it into his pocket and is transported between the world he lives in back to the days of Saul (Paul). Another seed is planted into Israel's heart by Saul....just maybe God really does exist. He still isn't quite sure. This is one adventure that is definitely nothing like anything out there in the book world. I do believe you, the reader, will definitely enjoy this book and the series Quest for God. Grab yourself a copy and ride along with Israel as he journeys back in time to find God!

     I am the proud grand-daughter of a pastor and have had the pleasure of learning about God at an early age. I am a Christian author who enjoys writing various genres in the Christian genre. My love of reading and writing led me to begin writing for the enjoyment of others. I am thankful for the many creative writing classes I had back in elementary school.

Still Alive....Still Free

Good day everyone. I know that I have not been on here lately to keep you updated. Things have been rather quiet and almost boring here la...