
Friday, March 31, 2017

A Look Inside

Hi everyone, it's me, Josh. I talked my author into giving you a sneak peek inside my very first book Josh's Wild Imagination. I hope you enjoy the teaser. Don't forget to order your copy.

The Growly Monster

There was once a little boy named Joshua Orsay, but everyone including his mother called him Josh. Josh was a curious little 4 year old boy. He was always getting into mischief just like most boys his age. One day while his mother and sister were busy, Josh decided to entertain himself. His mother had helped him to build a city with his roads and play sets for his cars. He was playing quietly in his room with his cars for a little while when his stomach suddenly made this loud growling noise. Josh looked around the room wondering who had made the noise. He did not see anyone and kept playing. A few minutes later, his stomach made the same noise again only louder this time. Josh looked around the room looking for the
growling monster in his room. He looked in his toy box, under the bed and even in the closet. His 6 year old sister, Katie, stood in the doorway watching.
“What are you doing, Josh?” Katie asked.
“Looking for the growly monster,” Josh replied.
“Growly monster? What’s a growly monster?” Katie asked curiously.
“I don’t know. That’s why I’m looking for it,” Josh replied.
“So how do you know what to look for?” Katie asked as she glanced around the room from the doorway.
“I don’t, but when I find it I’ll know,” Josh said.
Katie shook her head and leaned against the door frame. She nearly jumped when Josh’s stomach made the growling noise again. It was so loud that it echoed in the room.
“See. There he goes again. Can you help me find it?” Josh asked.
“Okay,” Katie replied as she slowly walked into Josh’s room. She was a little curious to find out what was making that noise.

Get this book today!

Character Interview (Serenity)

Pam: Good morning and thank you for coming out to interview with me today. Why don’t you start by telling us your name?

Serenity: Well thank you for having me today. My name is Serenity Marie Lambert.

Pam: Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Character: Ummm, [nervously twists hair and places it behind her ear] what would you like to know about me?

Me: Where were you born?

Character: I was born in London, England.

Me: Really? Is that where you live now?

Character: No, I’m currently residing in Hinesville, Georgia.

Me: Why are you in Hinesville, Georgia?

Character: Well, I’m here on business, but I’m not really supposed to talk about it. [nervously looks around the room and fidgets in her chair uncomfortably.]

Me: What sort of business are you working on? Do you work with the FBI or something? [I laugh.]

Character: Do you promise to keep it a secret? Because this really must not get out! If Nicolaitanes ever found out that I was here…..well he just can’t know. Okay? [gets up and paces back and forth across the room]

Me: Who’s Nicolaitanes?

Character: Nicolaitanes Balac, he’s the President of Italy. Haven’t you heard of him?

Me: No, I haven’t really been keeping up with the news.

Character: Well, he’s a really powerful man. Don’t tell anyone but I think that he’s really in charge of Operation Dark Angel.

Me: What’s Operation Dark Angel?

Character: Oh dear, I should not have said that. [shifts in chair and meets interviewer's eyes briefly before looking away.]

Me: Is that what you are in Hinesville working on?

Character: [silence for several seconds.] Yes, but I really wish that I had never gotten involved. They lied to us you know. It is not what they said. How can destroying whole cities and starting wars be for the good of the people? [looks thoughtfully out of the window.]

Me: What? Are you telling me that you are working on a project that is causing wars?

Serenity: Don’t look at me like that. If they had told me the truth, I never would have gotten involved. Look, do you mind if we change the subject? I really don’t want to talk about it anymore.

Pam: Sure. What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Serenity: I absolutely love to read, cook and paint.

Pam: What genre of books do you enjoy reading?

Serenity: Mostly, I like to read romance novels but do enjoy a good mystery.

Pam: What is your favorite book?

Serenity: Gone With the Wind
Pam: Really? That’s one of my favorite books as well. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us?

Serenity: [looks around before whispering.] Go and find somewhere safe to hide. Things are about to get really ugly around here. Don’t trust anybody! I mean it, NO ONE. If you don’t believe in God, now is the time to start. He’s the only one who can get us out of this mess.

Pam: [I look at her bewildered.] What do you mean by that?

Serenity: I’m sorry, I really can’t say any more. Thanks so much for having me. I have to go now. [turns and runs out of the door.]

All About Serenity

My name is Serenity Marie Lambert. I was born February 11, 1987 in London, England, where I lived the majority of my life.

I have three sisters and one brother. (Hannah, Alisyn, Kendall and Abner) We were fortunate to have two very loving and caring parents. And yes, not only are they both still living but they are also still married to each other. Although we weren't considered as rich, my dad made sure that we were never want for anything. He worked hard to bring home the bacon.

When I'm not at work, I love to read (love stories and a good thriller are my absolute faves). I also enjoy horseback riding, photography, cooking and quilting. I do enjoy a good movie as well although it's not much fun watching by myself.  What is it that I do you ask? Well, I can't really tell you what I did for Nicolaitanes Balac. You'll just have to read The Apocalypse Series to find out.

I don't really know what else that I can tell you about myself, there's not much to tell. My life before now has been pretty much boring, but what I wouldn't give to go back to having less excitement. You have no idea what it's like to be constantly looking over your shoulder and afraid for your very life. I don't know what possessed me to get involved with Operation Dark Angel in the first place. Oh wait, yes I do ~ the money. They say that money is the root of all evil. Boy, were they right!

Here are some photos of home that I love and hope that you like:

This is a picture of the house that I grew up in. 

Although now, I am living in the United States temporarily in the small town of Hinesville, Georgia.  The group that I am a part of had us relocate there to begin work on a secret military operation. (Operation Dark Angel) You would never believe that Nicolaitanes' company built a beautiful new building with many top secret laboratories underground. You can't really tell.

Inside Look with Serenity Lambert

Hello everyone and welcome to my hidden little corner of the world. My name is Serenity Lambert and I am part of a secret group that is bent on controlling the world. (Well I used to be anyway.) But now a very powerful and dangerous man by the name of Nicolaitanes Balac is looking for me. Sssh, I'm in hiding so please don't tell anyone that I'm here. Thanks.

Still Alive....Still Free

Good day everyone. I know that I have not been on here lately to keep you updated. Things have been rather quiet and almost boring here la...