
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Check out my new page!

Please stop in and check out my new page added to this blog. Just click on the Discussion tab to join in on the conversations. Thank you.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


This is so awesome! My new thriller is now available for sale on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I am so excited to see what everyone thinks about my latest thriller. It has only been out for one day and it is already receiving 5 star reviews. Thanks everyone. I am so glad that you all are enjoying what I'm writing for you.

Don't forget to come to my Book Release Party online on FaceBook tomorrow. Hope to see you there. We'll have a great time.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Great New Look

What do you think about this great new cover? Isn't it awesome? I like it much better than the last one that I had.

Great New Cover

I decided to change my cover, giving it a fresh new look. What do you all think? Do you like this one better than the old one?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Interview With Sezoni

Sezoni: Pam, what is Sodom about, and what is it's release date?
Me: Hi Sezoni. Thank you for having me.
Sezoni: My pleasure. Could you tell us a little about Sodom?
Me: Sodom: A Nation On Its Knees is a thriller about the possibility of God sending his witnesses to the US in search of the righteous. It compares the state of the US with the biblical city of Sodom.
Sezoni: Pam, what is Sodom about, and what is its release date?
Me: Sodom: A Nation On Its Knees is due to be released on March 1st.
Sezoni: How challenging was the research for your book, and do you have a co-author?
Me: No, I don't have a co-author. The hardest part of writing Sodom: A Nation On Its Knees was doing the research.
Sezoni: What are some things that make it hard?
Me: There wasn't a lot of info available about the city of Sodom. I wanted to know what the city was like back in the days of Lot.
Sezoni: What length did you go to research your book?
Me: I looked up all references to Sodom in the Bible. I also used the internet to obtain more information.
Sezoni: What is the genre?
Me: Sodom: A Nation On Its Knees is a Christian fiction thriller.
Sezoni: Cool. Pam, what are some of your other books, and where can readers buy them?
Me: I have three other books available on Amazon and Barnes&Noble. Two thrillers and a children’s book. The first book is Operation Dark Angel:The Rise of Nicolaitanes, The World at War and Through the Eyes of a Child. They are all available on Amazon.. You can get your copies here:
Me: You can see the book trailers for all of my books on youtube here: 
Sezoni: Pam, thank you for joining us today. Please keep us updated on your releases and projects.
Me: Thank you for having me today. Have a blessed day!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Another Awesome New Book Trailer

Go know that you want to check out the latest trailer my for new thriller.

Great New Trailer

Just in.......awesome new book trailer for Through the Eyes of a Child. Go ahead and check it out now!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Books By Author Pam Funke

I have changed the way information about my books is viewed. By clicking on the links at the top of the page, it will take you to that book's blog. I did this to be able to provide more information about the book and to create more interaction. Below you will see book covers for the books that are either published or will be published within the next 6 months. I hope that you all will enjoy this way a lot better than before. So go check out my books today!

Coming Soon

Now Available

Coming February 2014

Coming Soon

Now Available
Now Available
Coming Soon

Still Alive....Still Free

Good day everyone. I know that I have not been on here lately to keep you updated. Things have been rather quiet and almost boring here la...