
Saturday, December 26, 2020

A New Book Is Coming Your Way!!


Good afternoon my fellow readers. I am currently putting the final touches on my new dystopian fantasy book, THE WORLD AT WAR. It is the second installment of my Apocalypse series. It has been a really interesting book to write. I've learned a lot from the various characters and their lives during the pandemic and devastation. In fact, what they are going through right now is much like that of our lives with COVID19. The only difference is that we are not at war with one another and the antichrist has yet to gain political power. Yes, I set yet. For you see, that time is coming though many believe that we should not take the Bible literally. I beg to differ.

Follow the lives of Serenity, Katy, General Ludlow, Ezekiel, Rosalind and Nicolaitanes as they journey into a global war. Each has a purpose that if it doesn't happen could have dire consequences that will affect the entire world. How would you fair in their shoes? What would you do?

Thursday, December 10, 2020

This Guy Makes Trump Look Like An Angel

Isn't he like the cutest thing ever? He's my new sidekick to keep me company in this lonely safe house.

Sorry that I have not been here in quite some time. Things in my world have been so hectic, but I expect that they have been in your world too. We've had to move again. Someone who shall remain nameless actually turned me in. Can you believe it? I mean you are supposed to be helping me, hiding me and my friends from psychos. I mean really. I cannot believe that you turned in my location for some money. It saddens my heart to know that people will turn on you for money. They do say that money is the root of all evil. How right they are. You don't know they chaos that this person caused. 

She and some of her buddies from the last safe house actually kidnapped myself and my friend Ezekiel. I still can't believe it. For a while there though I was afraid that my new found friend Katy had something to do with this. She never quite seemed to like me. I never did find out why that was. Oh, did I say was? I'm sorry. I still can't quite get over that. During our escape from the safe house we lost Katy. (sniff) She was killed while we were getting away. She was hit by one of the bullets fired upon our getaway car. We also lost Eliza. Kind of strange that I actually feel kind of sad about Eliza's death when she was the one who turned in me to collect the reward money. But I suppose that it has to do with her selfless act in the end. She actually ended up saving us. She lured the baddies away so that we could get out of the safe house. Unfortunately she was shot in the leg during the process. She died on the operating table at the hospital. Yeah, yeah I know what you are saying, but aren't we supposed to forgive each other? It may be hard to at times, but eventually I still forgive other people for the things that they do to me.

Well, to make matters worse (at least for me) something even stranger happened when we escaped from the hospital where the baddies caught up with us. Hundreds of thousands of people disappeared. They vanished--poof! I still don't know what happened to them. Where did they go? Will they be coming back? Our new friend Meredith was one of the ones who poofed.  I think maybe that's why Germaine is in so much pain now. He hasn't really said a whole lot since it happened. I'm afraid to ask him anything.

The fate of the world has become even more chaotic since then. I don't know what's going to happen next. Do you? 

Well, I have some things around here that I need to do. Besides I shouldn't be online for any given time. I don't want them to find us again. But do drop me a line now and then, I'd love someone to talk to. It's really kind of lonely around here. I mean there are other people here, but they don't really want to talk. I need some conversation. Know what I mean?

Well, signing off for now. Until next we meet, please stay safe everyone and keep your eyes open.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Next Gripping Series For Your TBR Pile!

If you enjoyed The Left Behind Series, you will definitely enjoy The Apocalypse series! This new series is an exciting, edge-of-your-seat thriller that will capture your attention from the beginning of the book until the very end. Check out the first book and get hooked on the series today! 
Editorial Reviews

"In a collapsing society, it is easy sometimes to look to a savior, or anyone who promises to be a savior. Those who don't believe in a Deity will flock to the one who promises peace, a good economy, an easy government. Such is true in "The Rise of Nicolaitanes" -Mallory Heart Reviews

A mysterious voice tells General Ludlow about a military operation that will bring an end to the world's evil. Nicolaitanes Balac is given political power beyond what anyone has ever been entrusted with before. Who is the voice? Is this the type of power that should be given to a single man? What role will Nicolaitanes play in ending the world's chaos? Will mankind be able to withstand the growing evil spreading across the globe? Will Operation Dark Angel succeed?

Read it today!

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Parents We Need To Talk

Hi all, this is Brianca Euley. I truly hope you are all enjoying my story. Yeah, I know it is kind of hard to enjoy the book as it talks about some pretty serious and hard things to talk about. Believe me, it was pretty hard for my author to write it and tell the story. So many people go through what I went through on a daily basis. We need to stop it some how. I know the authorities are doing everything they can, but it's not enough since it keeps occurring.

Parents we need to discuss the topics in my story with our daughters that way they know the evils out there in the world. If you know of any one who is currently in any of the situations discussed in my story, please (I'm begging you) don't ignore it. Do what you can to help the person get out of the situation! Thank you for listening to my rant.

Do check out my story (it is FREE by the way) and talk about it with your daughters. Let them read my story as well (15 and older please) and then talk about it with them. Ask them how they felt about various situations and what they would do if they ever find themselves in any of the situations. Then LISTEN to what they have to say.

Girl Revived by Pam Funke

“One single decision can send you careening down a path where you don’t want to go.” 

Meet Brianca Euley, a girl who goes through life searching for love. She searches in all the wrong places--in the clubs, with various men, everywhere except where true unconditional love waits for her. Will she ever learn that what is missing from her life is God? How far down this path of destruction will she go before she reaches out to God?

Friday, December 4, 2020

Teaser For A Christmas Story

“Santa, I know how much you love children. I’m sorry we have none of our own. Anyway, here’s my idea. You spend hours and hours out in the workshop making toys with the elves. Why not give them away to the world’s children?” Mrs. Claus suggested.
Santa looked at his wife for a moment thinking. He suddenly stood up excited. “You are absolutely right, dear. What a great idea!”
Mrs. Claus smiled, “I’m glad I could be helpful.”
Santa walked over and gave his wife a great big bear hug and kiss. Then without another word he left the house and headed to the workshop to share the idea with his elven friends.
That was a fifty years ago. Santa has been making and delivering toys to children around the world ever since.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

I Had To Go Into Hiding Again

Sorry that I have not been here in a few days, but we've had to move again. Andrew and Tara found us (though I don't know how) and we (Katy, Ezekiel, Germaine and I) were almost captured. I don't know what's with those guys. You would think that they would give up already, but no!

It wasn't any of you who gave away our location was it? I know that there's a hefty reward out on my head. But seriously folks, I doubt that you will ever see a dime of it. If it's given by Nicolaitanes or The Group, you may wind up with a lot more than you bargained for. Don't let their lies sway you. It isn't worth it. Besides it may cost you your freedom or worse.

Take care my friends and stay safe. I won't be here as often as I want because I have to really be careful (at least until we get a secure location).

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

An Insiders Look Into Sodom

So many of you have expressed an interest in this book. So much so that I have decided to share a free inside look into the book with you. Please check out the preview located below. I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

It's Excerpt Tuesday

Thought I would be generous today and share an excerpt from my book with you. I hope that you enjoy it.

The Salikhin-Riyadus Reconnaissance was meeting for the first time in years with their counterparts in the United States. They had been watching the state of the United States over the past few years and were pleased with the steady decline in their Christian beliefs.
For a country built on God, they certainly didn’t behave like it. They are a country of chaos and violence. They have such sinful natures it’s unbelievable. Their society accepts abortions, living together without being married, homosexuality, the same sex to marry one another, the practicing of ungodly religions, fornication, all sorts of sexual immorality and various types of ungodly behavior. Allah would never stand for such behavior which is why we must do this. We must rid the world of these Christians and their damaging beliefs. We cannot allow them to poison the world’s minds any longer. Polla Basayev stood before the group gathering her thoughts before addressing them.
This was a first for her. Women had never had the privilege of addressing the men before. In fact, they hadn’t had much say in anything. They weren’t even allowed to participate, though the group did not care if they were martyred for Allah. She never really understood that, but she was glad that things had changed. She looked out at the people waiting patiently for her to speak. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she began.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the United States has been sticking its nose into matters that do not concern them for far too long. They say that we are the terrorists, but they are the ones who have invaded our lands. They are the ones who kill our fathers, our mothers, our brothers, our sisters, our children, our families. They provide weaponry and aide to our enemies. They disrespect our Islamic faith. They seek to corrupt the Muslim people with their beliefs and their wicked ways. We can no longer tolerate this behavior!” Polla said pounding her fists on the table in front of her. She looked around the room trying to gauge what the people were thinking. It was hard to tell though she could feel their excitement.
Polla took a deep breath before continuing. “It is time that we stand up for our slain brothers and sisters. We cannot allow their deaths to mean nothing. They must pay for the evil that they have done.”
She could feel her heart pounding in her ears. She was getting angrier by the minute; she could feel it. She couldn’t wait to see them pay dearly for what they had done. Tears threatened to form in her eyes, but she willed them away. She started to pace back and forth across the front of the room.
“We have been watching the Big Satan for the past few years and we feel that they are at their most vulnerable state right now. They have scattered their military all over the world trying to be the world’s policemen. They have neglected to keep their home protected and that is where we are going to strike them—at home. My American counterparts, you have done a wonderful job of infiltrating the enemy’s camp and blending in. You are going to initiate a series of attacks with the help of the home unit. When we are done, they will never know what hit them. Now, who’s with me?” Polla said raising her fist in the air.
A roar of cheers sounded as people stood up and cheered her on. Despite the various sects, they were united under one purpose—the destruction of the United States.

Have You Read Sodom Yet?

3,902 years ago, there was a city so evil, corrupt and filled with sin that God saw no other choice, but to completely destroy it. The city of Sodom was completely destroyed by a rain of fire in a single day.

The great nation of the United States of America, a nation founded  and built on God, has since turned its back on God. The people have allowed the government to remove Him from our schools, our jobs and are trying to remove Him from our churches. Many have chosen to remove Him even from their homes. Why is this happening to us they ask as they helplessly watch the nation's wickedness increase? How much longer will God allow us to continue in our sinful ways? Will He destroy us as He did Sodom?

God said that if  His angels can find 5,000 righteous in our nation that He will spare us. When His angels walk our nation will they find even one righteous? Will there be enough righteous found to spare our great nation?

Still Alive....Still Free

Good day everyone. I know that I have not been on here lately to keep you updated. Things have been rather quiet and almost boring here la...