
Monday, November 30, 2020

Hobbies I Enjoy


Hello again. I thought you might want to take a look into my life as an author. I must admit that I am a normal human being, just like you. I enjoy doing a numerous amount of creative things. I enjoy crocheting (like the little doggy I created in the photo there), painting, scrapbooking, drawing, coloring, sewing, embroidery, making tumblers and shirts, oh yeah, using my Cricut, as well as spending quality time with my family.  I love being creative because you can get lost into it for a little while. This world is full of sadness and with the COVID epidemic it really is very wise to have a hobby or two to keep you sane.

I have been learning new things while we were quarantined and I have found ways to incorporate them into my author stuff. What do you like to do?

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Are You Still There? I Need You.

I've been worried about you all the entire day. Look I'm sorry if I put you in any danger. You aren't on the run now, are you? If you are, I am truly sorry. But for the rest of you, keep your eyes and ears open. Nicolaitanes is not who he portrays himself to be. But I'm sure that you know that by now. You have been reading Operation Dark Angel, haven't you? If not, you should be. That's the only way that you will be able to know what's going on.

Pssst, maybe if you ask my author she'll give you a review copy to read in exchange for writing a review for Amazon. But I didn't just tell you that. She's gonna kill me. (LOL)

Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Writing Process And You

When you sit down and begin to read a book, did you ever stop to think what it took to get the published novel into your hands? I know that before I became an author, I never really thought about it. I just open the book and devour the story before me. Well, I thought I would bring you into the writing process so the next time you sit down to read, you will be able to appreciate the story more.

It all begins with a story idea. Stories can come to an author's mind at any time and I do mean any time. I have even had ideas pop into my head as I sit relaxing in a hot bubble bath. Talk about a most inconvenient time. I mean, who has a pen and paper in the tub? I know that I don't. That means I have to hop out of the tub, dry off, and hope I still remember the idea by the time I find a pen and paper. LOL. I have even had story ideas pop into my head in the middle of a dream. If only upon waking I would remember the entire idea. I have kept to keeping a composite book and pen around me at all times. 

So, after getting a story idea, I sit down and look through my book of ideas to see which one calls to me at the moment. Sometimes, I like to begin writing in a notebook and then transferring it to my laptop but here lately I have mostly been writing straight to my laptop. Most authors make outlines of their stories prior to writing the novel. I have a totally different writing process. When I sit down and begin to write, the story flows through my mind like a movie playing. I then simply write down what I see. I think it's pretty cool because I have no idea how the story will end until it plays. It's kind of funny because each day it only shows me so much of the story but that's good because one can only type so fast.

As I write, I like to have a couple of beta readers take a look at what I'm writing to make sure the story flows nicely. When the story finally comes to an end, it is time to walk away from it and start on something else. Usually, I take a day's break from writing and crochet or paint or do something else crafty. Okay, now it is time to go back to the finished novel. I let my computer read it out loud to me and I listen carefully. Doing it this way, I can quickly tell where typos are or something doesn't sound right and I fix all the errors I see. After that, I read the book as though I am a reader only I am proofreading the novel and fixing any errors. Seems like a lot of work so far, doesn't it? In all actuality it really is a lot of work.  Now, it is finally ready to be given to my editor. This is usually a really nervous time for me as it reminds me of back in high school when writing essays, teachers would markup your paper with red ink. While I await for the edited novel to be returned, I continue working on my next work in progress.

Okay, great! The edited novel has returned and I stare at the file, unopened of course, debating on whether or not I really want to open it. Whatever comments, changes, etc. the editor does I look at it to see if it sounds right or makes sense. Now, it is time to make all the changes in the actual document.  Okay, now, I put the edited and fixed novel aside and continue writing the new novel. After a couple of days, I go back to the other novel and read it from a reader's point of view. If I find any more errors, I fix them. Guess what? The book is now ready to become an ARC (advance reader copy) and is sent out to potential reviewers in hopes that reviews will be written and posted on the book's launch day. Two weeks later, the book is finally available for sale. Yay! You finally get to read the new book.

So, what do you think? A whole lot of work goes into writing a single book. This does not include all of the advertising you must do in the days to come. I bet this makes you appreciate a book all the more.


Interview With Serenity Lambert

Pam: Good morning and thank you for coming out to interview with me today. Why don’t you start by telling us your name?

Serenity: Well thank you for having me today. My name is Serenity Marie Lambert.

Pam: Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Character: Ummm, [nervously twists hair and places it behind her ear] what would you like to know about me?

Me: Where were you born?

Character: I was born in London, England.

Me: Really? Is that where you live now?

Character: No, I’m currently residing in Hinesville, Georgia.

Me: Why are you in Hinesville, Georgia?

Character: Well, I’m here on business, but I’m not really supposed to talk about it. [nervously looks around the room and fidgets in her chair uncomfortably.]

Me: What sort of business are you working on? Do you work with the FBI or something? [I laugh.]

Character: Do you promise to keep it a secret? Because this really must not get out! If Nicolaitanes ever found out that I was here…..well he just can’t know. Okay? [gets up and paces back and forth across the room]

Me: Who’s Nicolaitanes?

Character: Nicolaitanes Balac, he’s the President of Italy. Haven’t you heard of him?

Me: No, I haven’t really been keeping up with the news.

Character: Well, he’s a really powerful man. Don’t tell anyone but I think that he’s really in charge of Operation Dark Angel.

Me: What’s Operation Dark Angel?

Character: Oh dear, I should not have said that. [shifts in chair and meets interviewer's eyes briefly before looking away.]

Me: Is that what you are in Hinesville working on?

Character: [silence for several seconds.] Yes, but I really wish that I had never gotten involved. They lied to us you know. It is not what they said. How can destroying whole cities and starting wars be for the good of the people? [looks thoughtfully out of the window.]

Me: What? Are you telling me that you are working on a project that is causing wars?

Serenity: Don’t look at me like that. If they had told me the truth, I never would have gotten involved. Look, do you mind if we change the subject? I really don’t want to talk about it anymore.

Pam: Sure. What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Serenity: I absolutely love to read, cook and paint.

Pam: What genre of books do you enjoy reading?

Serenity: Mostly, I like to read romance novels but do enjoy a good mystery.

Pam: What is your favorite book?

Serenity: Gone With the Wind
Pam: Really? That’s one of my favorite books as well. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us?

Serenity: [looks around before whispering.] Go and find somewhere safe to hide. Things are about to get really ugly around here. Don’t trust anybody! I mean it, NO ONE. If you don’t believe in God, now is the time to start. He’s the only one who can get us out of this mess.

Pam: [I look at her bewildered.] What do you mean by that?

Serenity: I’m sorry, I really can’t say any more. Thanks so much for having me. I have to go now. [turns and runs out of the door.]

Do You Want To Know A Secret?

What exactly is Operation Dark Angel you ask? Well, I don't really know if I should tell you that. I mean it is top secret per se. But I would feel terribly if the voice found out that I told you about it. Why? Well because frankly you would have to go into hiding like me. Nicolaitanes would have his henchmen hunting you down like a rabid dog. Believe me, that's no joke.

I guess that it would be okay if I just told you what the voice told me about the project. You can decide for yourself whether you believe it or not. Let me see if I can remember exactly what the voice said to me. Please forgive me if I don't quite tell you word for word.

Operation Dark Angel is a TOP SECRET military mission that was created for the good of the inhabitants of the earth. You see our world is in terrible condition. There are so many wars, rumors of wars, murders, hatred, thousands of people starving, probably just as many people with no place to live, the list goes on and on. Anyway, the voice said that this project would feed the entire world, give everyone a decent place to live, but mostly it would bring peace to the entire world. Can you imagine a world with no more wars, no more fighting? That would be so wonderful, don't you agree?

Maybe this operation really will accomplish those things, but I don't like the way that the group is going about obtaining it. But, I'm not going to tell you any more about'll just have to read the books for yourself.

Hey! Is Anybody Out There?

If any of you stopping by have any questions for me, by all means do ask. I promise that I will answer the ones that I can. Of course, make sure that you are ready to hear the answers though. I hope that it won't put any of you in danger. But then again, who am I kidding? The whole entire world is in danger!

So ask away. Besides it's kind of lonely here and I am dying for some human conversation. (smile)

There was a beautiful sunrise this morning. I'm just glad that I am still here to see them.

The Apocalypse Is Here!

Good morning everyone. I hope that you are all doing well out there in the world. As for me, today is a good day. I am actually getting to relax and not have to run for my life today. That in itself is a good thing. I guess that you are all probably wondering why it is that I am in hiding, right? Well, I wish that I knew. All that I can remember is returning back to my hotel after a meeting with the group in the situation room (it's in that beautiful building I told you about that Nicolaitanes' company built for the military. He's built them all across the United States. I bet you didn't know that.) Anyway, a little voice within me (I wonder if that was God. I'm still trying to figure out if He's really there and if He'll accept me. I've done some things that I'm really not proud of. Does anybody know how I find out?) told me to pack my bags and leave the hotel. Well, when I was walking out of the hotel the whole place blew sky high. I don't remember much about it.

A pretty little lake that I found while exploring the military post here.

The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital a few days later and Dr. Ezekiel White telling me that I was extremely lucky to still be alive. I just looked at him because I had no idea of what it was that he was referring to. He told me that the hotel that I had been staying in had been bombed. I couldn't believe it. I'm the only survivor. I wonder how many people died. Who planted a bomb at the Hinesville Inne? Why would anybody do something like that? Seems kind of surreal doesn't it?

I love sitting out on the dock out in Sunbury. Don't know when I'll get to do that again. (sigh)

Anyway, I guess that Nicolaitanes wasn't happy with that (my still being alive) because he came storming into the hospital after me. (Hey, do you think that he's the one who had the bomb planted at the hotel? I wonder.) Dr. White, bless his heart, whisked me away from there and hid me. That was really kind of him, especially since he didn't really even know me. I'm still not sure why he helped me that day. Why would you help a perfect stranger like that? But irregardless of why he did it, I am so thankful that he did. Andrew and Tara have been hunting me down ever since Dr. White took me from the hospital. The strange thing is I still don't know why they are. I have no idea why Nicolaitanes is so desperate to get me back. You see, I have amnesia and I only remember bits and pieces of things. I'm still trying to figure out what it was exactly that I was doing working with the group. Perhaps you guys can help me figure that out. Will you?

Friday, November 27, 2020

Things Are So Bad I Have To Go Into Hiding

Isn't he like the cutest thing ever? He's my new sidekick to keep me company in this lonely safe house.

Sorry that I have not been here in quite some time. Things in my world have been so hectic, but I expect that they have been in your world too. We've had to move again. Someone who shall remain nameless actually turned me in. Can you believe it? I mean you are supposed to be helping me, hiding me and my friends from pyschos. I mean really. I cannot believe that you turned in my location for some money. It saddens my heart to know that people will turn on you for money. They do say that money is the root of all evil. How right they are. You don't know they chaos that this person caused. 

She and some of her buddies from the last safe house actually kidnapped myself and my friend Ezekiel. I still can't believe it. For a while there though I was afraid that my new found friend Katy had something to do with this. She never quite seemed to like me. I never did find out why that was. Oh, did I say was? I'm sorry. I still can't quite get over that. During our escape from the safe house we lost Katy. (sniff) She was killed while we were getting away. She was hit by one of the bullets fired upon our getaway car. We also lost Eliza. Kind of strange that I actually feel kind of sad about Eliza's death when she was the one who turned in me to collect the reward money. But I suppose that it has to do with her selfless act in the end. She actually ended up saving us. She lured the baddies away so that we could get out of the safe house. Unfortunately she was shot in the leg during the process. She died on the operating table at the hospital. Yeah, yeah I know what you are saying, but aren't we supposed to forgive each other? It may be hard to at times, but eventually I still forgive other people for the things that they do to me.

Well, to make matters worse (at least for me) something even stranger happened when we escaped from the hospital where the baddies caught up with us. Hundreds of thousands of people disappeared. They vanished--poof! I still don't know what happened to them. Where did they go? Will they be coming back? Our new friend Meredith was one of the ones who poofed.  I think maybe that's why Germaine is in so much pain now. He hasn't really said a whole lot since it happened. I'm afraid to ask him anything.

The fate of the world has become even more chaotic since then. I don't know what's going to happen next. Do you? 

Well, I have some things around here that I need to do. Besides I shouldn't be online for any given time. I don't want them to find us again. But do drop me a line now and then, I'd love someone to talk to. It's really kind of lonely around here. I mean there are other people here, but they don't really want to talk. I need some conversation. Know what I mean?

Well, signing off for now. Until next we meet, please stay safe everyone and keep your eyes open.

Meet Serenity Lambert

My name is Serenity Marie Lambert. I was born February 11, 1987 in London, England, where I lived the majority of my life.

I have three sisters and one brother. (Hannah, Alisyn, Kendall and Abner) We were fortunate to have two very loving and caring parents. And yes, not only are they both still living but they are also still married to each other. Although we weren't considered as rich, my dad made sure that we were never want for anything. He worked hard to bring home the bacon.

When I'm not at work, I love to read (love stories and a good thriller are my absolute faves). I also enjoy horseback riding, photography, cooking and quilting. I do enjoy a good movie as well although it's not much fun watching by myself.  What is it that I do you ask? Well, I can't really tell you what I did for Nicolaitanes Balac. You'll just have to read The Apocalypse Series to find out.

I don't really know what else that I can tell you about myself, there's not much to tell. My life before now has been pretty much boring, but what I wouldn't give to go back to having less excitement. You have no idea what it's like to be constantly looking over your shoulder and afraid for your very life. I don't know what possessed me to get involved with Operation Dark Angel in the first place. Oh wait, yes I do ~ the money. They say that money is the root of all evil. Boy, were they right!

Here are some photos of home that I love and hope that you like:

This is a picture of the house that I grew up in. 

Although now, I am living in the United States temporarily in the small town of Hinesville, Georgia.  The group that I am a part of had us relocate there to begin work on a secret military operation. (Operation Dark Angel)


This is a picture I took when I entered the main gate of Fort Stellar where I am currently working. You would never believe that Nicolaitanes' company built a beautiful new building with many top secret laboratories underground. You can't really tell, can you?

A NanoWriMo Original

As you all know, the month of November is NanoWriMo. Each year I participate and strive to write an entire book in 30 days or less. This year  I decided to do a fairytale retelling of The Nightingale. I chose this story because it is not one that is well-known. The original story tells of an emperor who had everything but was unhappy. A little bird called a nightingale would come and sing to the emperor. He liked it so much that he caged the animal. This caused the little bird to become sad and not want to sing anymore. With deep regret, the emperor set the bird free. The little nightingale fled and did not return. The emperor became so distraught that an inventor made him a mechanical bird that would sing whenever he wanted. This did not satisfy the emperor. He wanted the little bird to return. 

So, in my story instead of using the little bird, nightingale, my emperor has everything he ever wanted except love. He finds a young girl who comes to the palace to sing for the emperor. She sings so beautifully the emperor falls in love with her but would she ever love him? He isn't a handsome man and his body is obese. She is the nightingale of my story. Something happens and she is no longer a part of his life, hence the little bird that fled. He goes into a deep depression and an inventor creates an AI, the artificial nightingale, to replace her. Not satisfied, young girls around the world are abducted and brought to the palace to sing in a golden cage. He does not find the right replacement at first but does he ever find a replacement? Well, you'll need to read the book when it comes out. So, watch for the book NIGHTINGALE coming soon!

I Am So Thankful For You!

 To all of my wonderful readers and followers, I just wanted you to know how thankful I am for you. I appreciate all the wonderful reviews and notes saying how much you love the stories. What you all think is very important to me. For without your feedback, I would never know what you, the reader thought so I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Are You Ready For The Apocalypse?

Hello everyone. I don't know about you, but I am really excited about the Apocalypse series being released. During the world's current pandemic and craziness, it's hard to imagine that things are only going to get worse before it gets better. Am I right?

Do you want to know what's coming next? Take a look into this amazing series that touches on the prophecies discussed in the Holy Bible. Granted, I don't know exactly what will happen as only God knows that. This is my idea of what happens during the world's darkest hour.

Though this series may be like the popular Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, I believe the storyline is very different. Though I tell part of the story through the eyes of  the evil one, I also follow every day folks who make bad choices but soon find the light. I believe the series is not only entertaining but you, the reader, can learn from it as well. So, I hope that you will go and read the series for yourself. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 26, 2020


Hello my wonderful followers. My family and I would like to wish your family a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving.  I am very thankful for not only my family but for all of you. Enjoy this time with your family especially during this COVID pandemic. Family time is extremely important. I love you all!


Still Alive....Still Free

Good day everyone. I know that I have not been on here lately to keep you updated. Things have been rather quiet and almost boring here la...