Good morning everyone. I hope that you are all doing well out there in the world. As for me, today is a good day. I am actually getting to relax and not have to run for my life today. That in itself is a good thing. I guess that you are all probably wondering why it is that I am in hiding, right? Well, I wish that I knew. All that I can remember is returning back to my hotel after a meeting with the group in the situation room (it's in that beautiful building I told you about that Nicolaitanes' company built for the military. He's built them all across the United States. I bet you didn't know that.) Anyway, a little voice within me (I wonder if that was God. I'm still trying to figure out if He's really there and if He'll accept me. I've done some things that I'm really not proud of. Does anybody know how I find out?) told me to pack my bags and leave the hotel. Well, when I was walking out of the hotel the whole place blew sky high. I don't remember much about it.

A pretty little lake that I found while exploring the military post here.
The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital a few days later and Dr. Ezekiel White telling me that I was extremely lucky to still be alive. I just looked at him because I had no idea of what it was that he was referring to. He told me that the hotel that I had been staying in had been bombed. I couldn't believe it. I'm the only survivor. I wonder how many people died. Who planted a bomb at the Hinesville Inne? Why would anybody do something like that? Seems kind of surreal doesn't it?
I love sitting out on the dock out in Sunbury. Don't know when I'll get to do that again. (sigh)
Anyway, I guess that Nicolaitanes wasn't happy with that (my still being alive) because he came storming into the hospital after me. (Hey, do you think that he's the one who had the bomb planted at the hotel? I wonder.) Dr. White, bless his heart, whisked me away from there and hid me. That was really kind of him, especially since he didn't really even know me. I'm still not sure why he helped me that day. Why would you help a perfect stranger like that? But irregardless of why he did it, I am so thankful that he did. Andrew and Tara have been hunting me down ever since Dr. White took me from the hospital. The strange thing is I still don't know why they are. I have no idea why Nicolaitanes is so desperate to get me back. You see, I have amnesia and I only remember bits and pieces of things. I'm still trying to figure out what it was exactly that I was doing working with the group. Perhaps you guys can help me figure that out. Will you?