
Thursday, June 20, 2013


Are you off this 4th of July weekend with nothing to read? Get your #Free #Kindle copy of THE WORLD AT WAR July 4th-6th and find out what all the excitement is about. The series is receiving 5 and 4 star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sneak Peek

Okay everyone, here's the sneak peek at my children's book that I'm working on.

God created the heavens and the earth. He created all of the plants, animals and birds of the air. He created man. When God was finished He looked at all that He had created and saw that it was good.

Working On Some New Things.....

I am currently working on four projects. Yes, I know. I should probably do one thing at a time, but it is so hard to do so when God keeps filling my head with all these awesome ideas! I am currently working on two novels, a children's book and a devotional. I have yet to create a book cover for my children's book. I'm still thinking about it I will give you a sneak peek as soon as I am finished with it. . But, here's a sneak peek at the covers and book blurbs for the others.

Brianca Euley is a popular girl who feels unloved by her family and runs away right before her eighteenth birthday. She doesn't quite know what it is that is missing from her life but she is desperately trying to find it.
She is seeking love in all the wrong places, in the clubs and with various men. But no matter where she looks they all seem to fail her in the end. Will she ever learn that what is missing from her life is God? Will she discover the wonderful love that only God can provide or will she continue down this path of destruction?

3,902 years ago, there was a city so evil, corrup and filled with sin that God saw no other choice, but to completely destroy it. The city of Sodom was completely destroyed by a rain of fire in a single day. The great nation of the United States of America, a nation founded and built on God, has since turned its back on God. The people have allowed the government to remove Him from our schools, our jobs and are trying to remove Him from our churches. Many have chosen to remove Him even from their homes. Why is this happening to us they ask as they helplessly watch the nation's wickedness increase? How much longer will God allow us to continue in our sinful ways? Will He destroy us as He did Sodom?

God said that if His angels can find 5,000 righteous in our nation that He will spare us. When His angels walk our nation will they find even 50 righteous? Will there be enough righteous found to spare our great nation?

Come walk with me on my spiritual journey through this beautiful world of ours.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Who Wants Some Book Swag???

I have created some wonderful book swag for the Apocalypse series launch. Don't miss the launch for some fun games, awesome swag and opportunity to order autographed copies of the series. It's going to be a blast!

 Series Necklaces

Series Charm Bracelet

Book Marks

 Another Series Charm Bracelet


Serenity's Unique Necklaces

So what do you guys think? This is only the tip of the iceberg. I am going to come up with some other great ideas for swag. Check back with me soon to see what else I come up with.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Another Great Book Tour Coming Your Way....

ANNOUNCING MY NEXT VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR! June 15th through July 15th. Bloggers can still sign up to participate. Hosts will receive an ebook copy of a book from the series. Interested parties please send me an email.

Still Alive....Still Free

Good day everyone. I know that I have not been on here lately to keep you updated. Things have been rather quiet and almost boring here la...